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Monthly Snap May: Speeding up Mac OS X: dd, new Braintower SMS Gateway, analyzing you wifi

cameraMay started with Cornelius giving you all the instructions you need to speed up Mac OS X: dd.
Georg told you all you need to know about the new Braintower SMS Gateway, that is now available as a Gateway Rack Edition, so that you can piece together your Gateway individually with all the different modules and fuctions you need.
And Sebastian described how you can analyze your wifi and choose the best channel and frequency for it.

OSB Conf and OSMC: Call for Papers and Early Bird are running!

Dear Readers,
time is running and it’s running so fast, that we have to remind you of two Call for Papers and Early Birds already! Open Source Backup Conference and Open Source Monitoring Conference are waiting for you to join them as speakers. And both are providing discounted tickets for early attendee registrations.
But let’s take one thing at a time!
Open Source Backup Conference on Bareos (OSB Conf)
Call for Papers: until June 6th 2015
Early Bird: until June 6th 2015
This conference is of course all about the important things you need to know, if you like to play it save. The Open Source Backup Conference on Bareos (former known as “Bacula Conference”) annually offers a whole lot of presentations about Open Source Backup (as you might have already guessed). Of course you can also meet nice people there who share your passion for a nice and well done backup.
The English speaking conference will take place in Cologne from September 29th to 30th and is organized by us and our wonderful partner dassIT.
If you like to apply as a speaker, this is the place you are looking for.
If you are more interested in taking part as an attendee, you have to register here.
Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC)
Call for Papers: until June 30th 2015
Early Bird: until June 30th 2015
Of course you already know one of the most beautiful conferences about open source monitoring! If not, you just have to visit us in Nuremberg for this year’s celebrations of the 10th anniversary of Open Source Monitoring conference!
Every year we welcome guests from all over the world to give them two fully packed days of interesting talks about one of our favorite topics: Open Source Monitoring Software – especially Icinga! On top of that, we offer workshops as an add-on. This year, we will also provide participation in a Hackathon for the very first time. So you can stretch your visit in our hometown from November 16th to 19th, if you like to.
If you like to apply as a speaker, this is the place you are looking for.
If you are more interested in taking part as an attendee, you have to register here.

OSDC 2015: Thank you and see you again!

This year’s Open Source Data Center Conference has been a big success! With about
170 attendees from 12 countries we had one of the biggest and most international conferences so far.
We like to thank our sponsoring partners for their support!
Thomas Krenn and Linux Magazin are backing us and our conferences from the very beginning on and were of course part of this year’s OSDC   again.
Linux und TK-Kombi
We hope you all took the chance to visit Thomas Krenn at their booth and read a lot of issues of LINUX Magazin.
We are also very proud to welcome Attingo Data Rescue and ADMIN Magazine as two new partners and are looking forward to work with them again at future events.
Attingo und ADMIN Kombi
Maybe you already visited Attingo at their booth at the conference or read one of the ADMIN Magazines we distributed.
And of course we like to thank our speakers and attendees! It has been a pleasure to welcome you at the event! We hope to see you again at OSDC 2016!

OSDC 2015: Abendveranstaltung im Paulaners

CDNyyvbWAAIJ_JMUm 19:00 ging es gestern per Pedes gen Abendveranstaltung los. Die Kurzwanderung führte uns ins Paulaners zur bajuwarischen Bier-und-Brezn-Brotzeit.  Es war wie immer, ein Festival der Geschmacksknospenexplosion voller kulinarischer Highlights. Das Degustationsmenü für Kenner der gehobenen bayerischen Küche hatte Gaumenfreuden wie Apfelstrudel und Spätzle zu bieten. Nach, vor und während des Schlemmexzesses zu Ehren Karl des Dicken, gab es diverse Verdauungsschnäppsle um das Verzehrte professionell und stilecht seiner Bestimmung im ewigen Kreislauf von Nahrungsaufnahme und Verdauung zuzuführen. Worte vermögen nicht zu beschreiben wie wichtig dem Bayern seine Verdauung zu sein scheint.
Essen und Verdauungsfördernde Maßnahmen wurden bis etwa 1:00 morgens in Endlosschleife wiederholt und von gar zauberhaften Gesprächen begleitet. Fein war’s!
Heute geht es selbstverfreilich mit jeder Menge Talks weiter: zum Beispiel mit dem Referenten-Dreamteam Martin Gerhard Loschwitz und Kristian Köhntopp, Kris Buytaert, Doc Udo Seidel, John Spray, und, und, und!
Gegen 18:00 heißt es dann für OSDCler leider wieder „Sag zum Abschied leise Servus!“, während Puppet Campler dem morgigen  Tag bereits ein vorfreudiges „Servus, güerzi und hallo! Entgegenschmettern können.

OSDC 2015: Der Countdown läuft – nur noch 1 Tag

Jochen Lillich schließt unseren Countdown zur OSDC mit “Dynamic Infrastructure Orchestration” ab. Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

OSDC? Noch nie gehört…
Das ist aber schade und fast schon ein unentschuldbares Versäumnis!
Aber wir holen das nach:
Die Open Source Data Center Conference (kurz OSDC) ist unsere internationale Konferenz zum Thema Open Source Software in Rechenzentren und großen IT-Umgebungen. 2015 findet sie zum siebten Mal statt und bietet mit dem Schwerpunktthema Agile Infrastructures ganz besonders erfahrenen Administratoren und Architekten ein Forum zum Austausch und die Gelegenheit zur Aneignung des aktuellsten Know-Hows für die tägliche Praxis. Diesmal treffen wir uns dafür in Berlin!
Workshops am Vortag der Konferenz und das im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung stattfindende Puppet Camp komplettieren dabei das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für Teilnehmer, die gar nicht genug Wissen in sich aufsaugen können.