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Monthly Snap September 2020

by | Oct 2, 2020 | NETWAYS

September is always an exciting month at the NETWAYS HQ since our new apprentices start then. It always feels like a fresh start, as you see the company and the office through fresh eyes. And within a few days it feels as if they have been here forever. Here`s what we wrote about in September!


Our popular trainings!

Our trainings are popular, regardless of whether they take place here in Nuremberg or online. What can you expect if you decide to attend the Icinga Director Workshop? Jessica gave us an overview in Komm‘ nach Nürnberg für Deinen Icinga 2 Deep Dive! Our next Ansible training is already fully booked, but Jessica let us know when the next one is as well as all other upcoming trainings in Neue Termine! And she also informed us that there are still a few seats left in our next Graylog training in Nuremberg


The NETWAYS shop

Why is the SMS Gateway now called Nicole shared the reason in Braintower SMS Gateway unter neuem Name: Das! The importance of letting in fresh air cannot be stressed enough in these times. Sensors can remind you when it is time to open a window again. Read Nicole`s Lüften gegen Corona: Kompakte CO2-Messgeräte aus dem Hause COMET System helfen! Nicole also listed the advantages of the SensDesk Portal in HW group: Alarm Escalation mit dem SensDesk Portal. And Leonie reminded us that the 3G net will be shut down next year in3G Abschaltung Juni 2021


OSMC 2019

In our blog series OSMC 2019 recap, we present last years talks, always including a link in case you want to watch the entire talk. Alexander presented Windows: One Framework to Monitor them all by Christian Stein | OSMC 2019.


NETWAYS Web Services

In the NETWAYS cloud your data is backed up daily automatically, and you can pre-set a storage period. Martin wrote about the advantages of automatic backups in NETWAYS Cloud: Kein Stress mit automatischen Backups. Marius compared two chat programs in Mattermost vs Rocket.Chat


Our techies

What`s Putty got to do with it? Johannes tested the tool and let us in on his findings in Putty mit tmux. Lennart shared a few helpful tips in Apache Rewrite von HTTP auf HTTPS am Beispiel von Icinga Web 2. And Markus told us of his new plugins for displaying current alerts and problems in the cloud in Computer Viren in der Cloud. Vim is a useful tool, and Marianne shared why, as well as her experiences with vim in Daily business: der Editor vim. And Markus wrote about alerting with Icinga in Benachrichtigungen mit Icinga 2 mal anders. Do you want to know what BlueStore is? Read Martin`s Ceph OSDs mit BlueStore erstellen.



In our blog series NETWAYS stellt sich vor you can get to know our team a little better. This month read about Saeid and Jessica!

Catharina Celikel
Catharina Celikel
Office Manager

Catharina unterstützt seit März 2016 unsere Abteilung Finance & Administration. Die gebürtige Norwegerin ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin für Englisch. Als Office Manager kümmert sie sich deshalb nicht nur um das Tagesgeschäft sondern übernimmt nebenbei zusätzlich einen Großteil der Übersetzungen. Privat ist der bekennende Bücherwurm am liebsten mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.


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