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Give your Foreman a greater toolbox

by | Oct 22, 2019 | IT Automation, Foreman, OSCAMP

Like every Foreman our well-beloved lifecycle management is only as good as its tools, says Dirk Götz, Foreman expert from NETWAYS. At OSCamp Dirk will showcase some plugins and explain their use case before giving some hints on plugin development.

DevOps with Foreman

Ondřej Ezr, Satellite Software Engineer at Red Hat, loves to invest time to DevOps so much, it basically became his main job, he says. He will show how to get the most value when using Ansible from Foreman – both when using hosts in a predefined state, or when working in a remote execution fashion.

Better with Salt

Everything is better with salt – even Foreman. Bernhard Suttner, head of development at ATIX AG, who is maintain the foreman_salt plugin, will demonstrate the use of Salt in Foreman. New features, such as Salt Variables and the Remote Execution Salt Provider will be part of his talk.

With these and many other talks at OSCamp, get to know how to best equip your Foreman according to your individual needs.

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