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Puppet 5 – how new is that!

by | Oct 11, 2017 | IT Automation, Puppet, Serien

Have you heard? In July this year Puppet released its’ new software stack of the agent, server and db package to manage, control and orchestrate your IT infrastructure. Enough time has passed for us to test, upgrade and implement it in our environment. With this series we want to introduce some of the new features and inform you about the tasks you need to know or be aware of should you wish to upgrade.
Let us start with the basic changes in the new version. These are for example the switch from PSON to JSON encoding if the agent downloads his information, catalogues or metadata. This will help you to better integrate Puppet in your setup when it needs to communicate with other tools. You can also see an improved performance in handling facts and reports, especially when it matters to process larger quantities.
Another point to mention is the usage of the newer Ruby in version 2.4. Since version 4, Puppet ships all it needs in its’ packages, so you need to reinstall your manually added Puppet agent gems.
And the last point for today should be the version numbering of the new packages. Puppet focuses on keeping all major versions of agent, server and db in one counter and follows the Semantic Versioning as closely as possible. Which is one of the reason for the huge jump in the Puppet server version.
Stay tuned to learn more. And if you need further help or want to learn more about Puppet take a look at our products or training course .


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