October was mainly characterized by Icinga – the release of the new webinterface Icinga Web 2.0.0, followed by the Icinga Camp in Portland and many tips and tricks how to use Icinga with Windows.
Tom announced the release of Icinga´s new web interface and Micheal reported from the Icinga Camp in Portland where it has been introduced.weekly snap
On events, Bernd counted 28 days to the OSMC with Jochen Lillich´s talk on “MonitoringLove with Sensu” while Bernd Ahlers, one of this year´s speaker at the conference, explained why we should pay more attention to logs on servers.
Lennart followed with a migration scenario to monitor windows with Icinga as Gunnar followed with a post to better understand commands on Icinga 2.
On clusters, Enrico looked at NodeJs as Micheal showed how to build packages with Icinga 2 on Windows.
Finally, Silke announced the new training portfolio for 2016.

Stephanie Kotilge
Stephanie Kotilge

Steffi ist seit 2011 bei NETWAYS. Sie fing als Office Managerin an und unterstützt seit 2017 als Accountant das Finance & Administration Team in allen buchhalterischen Belangen. In ihrer Freizeit ist sie mit ihrem Sohn immer auf der Suche nach den schönsten Spielplätzen in Nürnberg oder plant den nächsten Familientrip.