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NETWAYS on tour: PuppetConf in San Diego

img_3844Heading to the US and PuppetConf the 5th year – this time, the NETWAYS folks moved to sunny San Diego. We had the annual Icinga Camp on Tuesday in the same venue as PuppetConf in the beautiful Town & Country Resort.
Bernd organised the entire trip – from flights to our lovely AirBnB, even going shopping (aka raiding) the local Walmart Neighbourhood market, cooking a meal for the hungry crowd. Last but not least – anyone flying over the US was offered the possibility to extend the trip with his/her vacation plans. Bernd, Julian, Lennart and Florian arrived earlier and so the other folks (Tom, Eric, Dirk, Blerim, Michael) joined them on Monday afternoon.

Guess what happened after getting onto the rental cars?  The first visit at the In-N-Out burger right around the corner at LAX. This round was on Bernd too, thanks a lot man! We agreed on visiting the AirBnb first, then looking for some food. Spaghetti and tasty salad accompanied with the obligatory G&T. Some of us were just chilling after an 11 hours flight, others still preparing for their Icinga Camp talks.
The next day we arrived at the PuppetConf venue – their brand was nearly everywhere although the room for Icinga Camp was a bit tad hard to find. Cosy warm and sunny weather and a full day of #monitoringlove. I’ll continue with details over at the Icinga blog soon.
Wednesday was sort of a free day for those attending PuppetConf. I went for Sea World with Lennart and Dirk, the others joined the beach. Unfortunately Bernd had to leave to Nuremberg so I was surprised with luckily attending PuppetConf. I’ve been learning and improving my Puppet skills in the past year quite a lot, also helped with our newly designed Puppet Open Source training sessions. Glad I could join this opportunity.
Therefore I’d like to share my experience with this year, also compared to previous events. To start with PuppetConf offered a delicious breakfast again on the first day. Bonus: Weather was hot and sunny, what a beautiful start into the day. The rooms for the sessions were loosely connected inside this building but still sometimes confusing. Everyone was friendly and in comparison to last year, you were not „marketing scanned“ by Puppet folks everywhere.
img_3941Nigel Kersten kicked off PuppetConf and also announced the date next year in SFO, 10.-12. October 2017. Then former CEO and creator of Puppet, Luke Kanies, started with his keynote. From container numbers (starting/stopping 1.58 * 10^10 containers over 3 years is a hell of a number) to open source commitment heard from Puppet CEO Sanjay Mirchandani. In case you haven’t been following closely, Puppet Enterprise got certain exclusive features not available in the community version. When it comes to server metrics available PE only I could imagine that community members are not amused (I wasn’t). Time for changes.
I decided to join the Github talk since it is always interesting to get insights into their operations management. Nearly everything is managed with HuBot. GitHub really is living the #chatops dream. Kevin Paulisse also talked about Puppet as culture, dealing with new contributors and then announced a new open-source tool: octocat-diff. This allows to compare Puppet catalogs and avoid deploying unwanted changes in production.
Everyone was really crazy about using Puppet to create and update Docker images. And so was David Lutterkort decoupling the challenges with containers and their management with Kubernetes into a fascinating talk. Note: That specific nginx demo was used everywhere 😉
„Making Puppet clean up its own mess“ sounded provoking and so we went for it. You might be asking – which mess? Take for example changed configuration file locations generating collisions. „Write code to cleanup code“ or „Use Ansible to cleanup after Puppet?“. Sounded funny but still can be a common approach instead of waiting for the Puppet agent’s 30 minute update interval.
img_4005On Thursday evening the social event was happening from 6 to 8 pm. Hey, a NETWAYS party isn’t even started yet at that time 😀 And Jenny is waiting later at night, OSMC is near! From what the others told me, the location and food was great. Blerim and I decided to raid Walmart – again – and go for some barbecue together with the other folks not attending the conference. Florian took care of grilling tasty meat, and of course the drinks later on when the PuppetConf party people joined us again.
You would guess – no-one attends the keynotes on the second day. We made it, and listened to interesting insights into Microsoft’s plans on Azure with containers, Nano server 2016 setup plans and of course Powershell deployment strategies. Lots of things happening here, definitely worth keep watching.
During the keynotes the internet broke. Ok, actually Twitter was down so I couldn’t tweet about #puppetconf. The DNS DDOS even affected Puppet itself – livestream and forge were unreachable. Back in Germany everyone was sleeping but I guess some participants had to deal with their notification email stream rather than listening to sessions 😉
Martin Alfke gave a training session…ehm…talk about moving exec into types and providers. And everyone in the audience could follow and left the session both entertained and well trained. Since Blerim and I were pretty much into containers, management and also monitoring, we went for Gareth Rushgrove and him doing lots of demos showcasing Puppet and Docker. Did I mention the nginx demo already? 😉
img_4043We were a bit undecided where to head for the last talk but then we saw Ben’s session „How you actually get hacked“ differing from the usual Puppet suspects in topics. Oh boy, such sarcasm combined with actual matters of security. Ben, if you really lost your job, join NETWAYS. Will be fun 🙂
There were a couple of sessions talking about the transition from Puppet 3 to 4. Though it did not really feel that people are aware that Puppet 3 will reach EOL by the end of 2016. Most recently an interesting discussion on twitter started.
Compared to last year, PuppetConf including the session topics, venue and friendlyness nailed it this year. I’m looking forward to San Francisco next year – probably the best location to attract even more IT people. In case you’ve missed PuppetConf this year – their event archive including video recordings is already online.
We left San Diego on Friday evening spending two more days in lovely Los Angeles. Lennart, Dirk and I went for LEGOLand California, colleagues enjoined Venice beach. And then we got our rental car for our road trip to Grand Canyon and more. But that’s a different story … join the NETWAYS tour!
Enjoy some pictures we’ve taken during our NETWAYS „school trip“ 🙂


Puppetconf 2014 in San Francisco

Friday, 3am, CEST localtime. Getting ready for the plane to San Francisco (MUN – AMS – SFO). 12am PST – ready for „The City“. Alcatraz, Cable Cars, … Thomas, Markus and me getting the whole sightseeing package over the weekend 🙂 Bernd & Julian joined later on Monday (and hey, Gunnar, Marius and Eric are here for the Icinga Camp on Thursday too).
The five of us @netways guys entered the great location for this years Puppetconf at the Marriot Marquis hotel early, meeting at the NETWAYS booth.
Day 1 of Puppetconf 2014 kicked off with the keynote by Luke Kanies, announcing quite a lot of changes coming with Puppet 4 – Facter & Agent in C++ rather than Ruby for more portability, Puppet Master in written in Clojure, new Puppet Apps for the Puppet ecosystem.
I attended a beginner’s talk about creating and maintaining puppet modules (still need to get my hands dirty with the puppet-icinga2 module which is under heavy development), while Markus & Tom were looking at the hot stuff with Puppet 4, security audits with Puppet, Razor, a provisioning toolbox and the R10K workflow thingie. Time flies, and so does the feedback on #icinga2 at the @netways booth (awesome, just awesome!). Kris Buytaert explained 7 horror stories with Puppet later on, that was a good & funny presentation as always.
Right after the last talk the evening event started at Metreon on the top floor – nice location, awesome view over SFO. Next up for sponsors – Press Club with tasty top notch wine. We all had a great evening, but #puppetconf day 2 was calling, and sleep is still overrated 😉
Day 2 started with delicious breakfast (for sweets & fruits, that is) and later on the intro keynotes. Q&A with Luke today unveiled an interesting insight in how they see the difference between open source and the enterprise product. We also learned that people at #puppetconf still use Nagios ™ (and hate it), and told them at our booth how cool Icinga 2 and Icinga web 2 are 😉
After some spontaneous gin drink-up we’re still looking forward to great talks (like James Turnbull on Docker). Later on we’ll check into Github HQ 3.0 for the Icinga Camp happening tomorrow.
On a personal note: It’s a real pleasure to connect with icinga users and soon-migrating users here at Puppetconf. Even the ops team at Puppetlabs is using it, and they all are going #icinga2 soon – trust me 🙂
Thanks to Puppetlabs organizing a fabulous Puppetconf 2014 & see you tomorrow at Icinga Camp, and in case you miss it: ‚vagrant up‚ helps 🙂
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Puppet Enterprise Installer Reloaded

Mit Puppet Enterprise 3.3 hat sich einiges geändert (siehe Release Notes). Bisher war für die Installation mit dem Puppet Enterprise Installer nur Kommandozeilenzugriff erforderlich, jetzt wird nach dem Aufruf zusätzlich ein Webinterface auf Port 3000 gestartet mit dem sich die Installation abschließen lässt.
Die dabei erforderlichen Angaben haben sich im Gegensatz zur Vorgängerversion nicht wesentlich verändert, allerdings überprüft der Installer die erforderlichen Systemvoraussetzungen und verweigert den Abschluss der Installation falls z.B. nur ein CPU Core vorhanden sein sollte.
Auch die automatische Erstellung einer Antwortdatei erfolgt nun über das Webinterface. Mit dem Parameter „-a“ ist es dann nach wie vor möglich die somit automatisch oder eine zuvor manuell erstellte Antwortdatei (siehe Answer File) aufzurufen.
Nach erfolgter Installation ist der Zugriff auf Port 3000 nicht mehr erforderlich und sollte firewalltechnisch geschlossen werden. Bei meinen ersten Gehversuchen mit der neuen Version ist mir zudem aufgefallen das der Puppet Enterprise Installer den Abschluss verweigert wenn er auf der Kommandozeile mit einem deutschen Tasturlayout gestartet wird.
So sieht das neue Webinterface des Puppet Installers nun in der Praxis aus:

Weitere interessante und hilfreiche Neuerungen bei Puppet bzw. Puppet Enterprise kann ich dann hoffentlich nach der PuppetConf im Herbst berichten.

Markus Waldmüller
Markus Waldmüller
Head of Strategic Projects

Markus war bereits mehrere Jahre als Sysadmin in Neumarkt i.d.OPf. und Regensburg tätig. Nach Technikerschule und Selbständigkeit ist er nun Anfang 2013 bei NETWAYS als Senior Manager Services gelandet. Seit September 2023 kümmert er sich bei der NETWAYS Gruppe um strategische Projekte. Wenn er nicht gerade die Welt bereist, ist der sportbegeisterte Neumarkter mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit auf dem Mountainbike oder am Baggersee zu finden.

NETWAYS is going to San Francisco

PuppetConf 2014Der Sommer geht schneller vorbei als erwartet und so steht die PuppetConf 2014, welche seit Monaten „irgendwann“ kommt, schon gut in einem Monat vor der Tür.
Bereits zum dritten mal findet die Konferenz in San Francisco statt und wir sind als langjähriger Partner von Puppet wieder als Sponsor und natürlich Konferenzteilnehmer mit am Start. Kalifornien, bekannt für seine guten Burger, ist einfach wunderschön und San Francisco nicht umsonst als „The City“ bekannt. So konnten wir nicht widerstehen.
Die Konferenz selber startet am 22. September und bietet alles was einem Puppet Fan das Herz höher schlagen lässt. Wer die weite Anreise nach San Francisco nicht auf sich nehmen möchte oder kann, dem sei an dieser Stelle gleich das nächste PuppetCamp in Düsseldorf am 16. Oktober ans Herz gelegt. Nach ersten Informationen werden wir auch hier hochrangige Speaker am Start haben und der Besuch lohnt sich mit Sicherheit.
icinga_logoAber AUFGEPASST: Gleich am Tag nach der PuppetConf findet ebenfalls in San Francisco das erste Icinga Camp statt. Für das Icinga Projekt, in dem wir ja stark engagiert sind, ist das ein riesengroßer Schritt und wir freuen uns, dass GitHub uns ihr HQ als Location für diesen Event zur Verfügung stellt.
Wir hatten letztes Jahr die Gelegenheit einen genaueren Blick auf das GitHub Office zu werfen und ich muss zugeben, dass alleine die Location den Besuch wert ist.
Nach vielen anstrengenden Entwicklungsmonaten von Icinga 2 und Icinga Web 2 wird uns die Zeit in SF mit Sicherheit gut tun und wir sind danach mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit reicher an Erfahrung und natürlich auch Kilos. „The American Dream“ eben 🙂

Bernd Erk
Bernd Erk

Bernd ist Geschäftsführer der NETWAYS Gruppe und verantwortet die Strategie und das Tagesgeschäft. Bei NETWAYS kümmert er sich eigentlich um alles, was andere nicht machen wollen oder können (meistens eher wollen). Darüber hinaus startete er früher das wöchentliche Lexware-Backup, welches er nun endlich automatisiert hat. So investiert er seine ganze Energie in den Rest der Truppe und versucht für kollektives Glück zu sorgen. In seiner Freizeit macht er mit sinnlosen Ideen seine Frau verrückt und verbündet sich dafür mit seinen beiden Söhnen und seiner Tochter.

Webinar-Video zum Puppet-Webinar vom 17.10.2013 ist nun online

logo_PuppetWie bereits gestern im Webinar versprochen, haben wir uns um einen schnellen Schnitt und eine rasche Konvertierung des Webinar-Videos gekümmert. Das Video vom Puppet-Webinar ist ab sofort auf YouTube und unserer Webinar-Archivseite zu sehen. Außerdem haben wir die Präsentationsfolien auf slideshare zur Verfügung gestellt.
Alles beides zusammen gibt’s schön aufgeräumt auf unserer Webinar-Seite.

Jetzt schon für die nächsten Webinare registieren:

  • Graphite – 06.11.2013 – 14:00 Uhr
  • Icinga 2 – 13.11.2013 – 14:00 Uhr