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Open Source Camp für Kubernetes | Call for Papers

Das Community-Event zum praktischen Einsatz neuester Kubernetes Lösungen.

Darum geht’s!

Kenntnisse im Bereich Kubernetes sind gefragt wie nie zuvor. Das Open Source Camp für Kubernetes legt den Fokus auf den modernen Einsatz von Kubernetes in Unternehmensumgebungen. Wir entdecken gemeinsam, wie Dein Unternehmen durch den geschickten Einsatz von Kubernetes sowie cloud-basierten Lösungen noch erfolgreicher wird. Das Camp findet am 18. April in Nürnberg statt.

Deine Vorteile

Profitiere von praxisnahen Vorträgen führender Experten. Vernetze Dich mit Gleichgesinnten und bleib auf dem aktuellen Stand, was die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Welt von Kubernetes betreffen. Werde Teil der K8s-Community und entwickle Dich stetig weiter. Lass Dich inspirieren von Ideen anderer und hol Dir Feedback zu Deinen eigenen Projekten!

Jetzt Talk Einreichen!

Der Call for Papers für das diesjährige Open Source Camp ist eröffnet! Bis 15. Februar hast Du die Möglichkeit, Deinen Vortrag einzureichen. Wir sind auf der Suche nach Speakern, die über  aktuelle Themen, technische Hintergründe, neueste Entwicklungen und zukünftige Trends in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Kubernetes sprechen. Die Vortragsdauer beträgt jeweils 30 Minuten, inklusive einer 5- bis 10-minütigen Fragerunde.

Überzeugt? Dann reiche Deinen Talk ganz einfach und über unser Formular auf der Website ein!

Early Bird Tickets

Profitiere von unserem Frühbucher-Angebot und sichere Dir bis 31. Januar eines unserer beliebten Early Bird Tickets zum besten Preis! Enthalten im Ticket ist neben der Veranstaltungsteilnahme auch Frühstück, Mittagessen, Nachmittagskaffee sowie der Zugang zu unserem Online-Archiv. Sichere Dir jetzt Deinen Platz und sei beim Community-Event dabei!

Call for Sponsors

Du willst noch mehr auf dem Event herausholen? Dann schau Dir unbedingt unsere Sponsoren-Broschüre an! Steigere die Präsenz Deiner Marke und triff Deine Zielgruppe persönlich. Generiere hochwertige Leads und knüpfe Kontakte zu Entwicklern, Branchenexperten und Entscheidern. Entdecke, welche einzigartigen Möglichkeiten Du als Sponsor bei uns hast. Wir freuen uns darauf, von Dir zu hören!

Katja Kotschenreuther
Katja Kotschenreuther
Manager Marketing

Katja ist seit Oktober 2020 Teil des Marketing Teams. Als Manager Marketing kümmert sie sich hauptsächlich um das Marketing für die Konferenzen stackconf und OSMC sowie unsere Trainings. Zudem unterstützt sie das Icinga Team mit verschiedenen Social Media Kampagnen und der Bewerbung der Icinga Camps. Sie ist SEO-Verantwortliche für all unsere Websites und sehr viel in unserem Blog unterwegs. In ihrer Freizeit reist sie gerne, bastelt, backt und engagiert sich bei Foodsharing. Im Sommer kümmert sie sich außerdem um ihren viel zu großen Gemüseanbau.

OSCamp on Bareos: Let’s talk about backups!

Heterogeneous server landscapes are more the rule than the exception in many companies today. The technical requirements for software systems for data backup, archiving and recovery are increasing accordingly. What are the challenges coming with these changes? Let’s talk about it!

Let’s talk about backups at OSCamp!

CFP until end of march

The Call for Papers for the Open Source Camp (OSCamp) on Bareos is still open. Until March 31, 2020 you got the chance to submit your paper. Ideally you give a comprehensive technical insight into Bareos and offer administrators new impulses for data backup, archiving and recovery. Each presentation is scheduled for 45 minutes, including a 5 to 10-minute Q&A session. All software presented must be freely available for download and therefore meet open source standards such as GPL.

OSCamp – the series

The OSCamp on Bareos is where the community, users and developers meet – it’s an opportunity to talk to like-minded people and share expertise – as a speaker on stage, or as attendee during discussions and breaks.

Open Source Camp is a conference format dedicated to different Open Source projects and products and of course their communities. Get in touch with the Open Source enthusiasts behind the presented project. Learn new features and techniques, benefit from their extensive know-how and get up-dated on the latest developments. Backup your seat!

Join stackconf too

OSCamp #5 on Bareos takes place directly after stackconf, on June 19, 2020 in Berlin. Conference and camp venue is the same. More about stackconf at! This is your chance to join two outstanding Open Source events in one week!

More info and tickets at

OSCamp on Bareos: Submit your Paper!

The title of this year’s Open Source Camp (OSCamp) tells it all: We want your backup stories! And ideally you tell them on stage. This time we focus on the Open Source backup software Bareos. Together with the Bareos company we invite you to share your expertise.

Call for Papers open

Call for Papers is open until March 30, 2020! Share your technical insights into Bareos and offer administrators new impulses for data backup, archiving and recovery. Each presentation is scheduled for 45 minutes, including a 5 to 10-minute Q&A session. Submit your paper at!

The OSCamp on Bareos is where the community, Bareos users and developers meet – it’s an opportunity to talk to like-minded people and share expertise – as a speaker on stage, or as attendee during discussions and breaks.

What is OSCamp all about?

Open Source Camp is a conference format dedicated to changing Open Source projects and products and of course their communities.

The one-day event comprises expert presentations and tutorials on technical backgrounds, insights into the latest developments, how-tos, as well as future trends and perspectives. Focusing on advanced topics, the international addresses experienced administrators and systems engineers.

Get in touch with the Open Source enthusiasts behind the presented projects. Learn new features and techniques, benefit from their extensive know-how and get up-dated on the latest developments.

About Bareos

Bareos (Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced) provides an enterprise-level open source platform that preserves, archives and restores data from all major operating systems. The cross-network software protects your most critical data on-premises and in the cloud, including Enterprise Storage Systems.

Bareos offers NDMP support, LTO hardware encryption, bandwidth management, and a sophisticated scheduler that increases the level of automation.

Following stackconf

OSCamp #5 on Bareos takes place directly after stackconf, on June 19, 2020, in Berlin. More about stackconf at! This is your chance to join two outstanding Open Source events in one week!

More information and tickets at


Give your Foreman a greater toolbox

Like every Foreman our well-beloved lifecycle management is only as good as its tools, says Dirk Götz, Foreman expert from NETWAYS. At OSCamp Dirk will showcase some plugins and explain their use case before giving some hints on plugin development.

DevOps with Foreman

Ondřej Ezr, Satellite Software Engineer at Red Hat, loves to invest time to DevOps so much, it basically became his main job, he says. He will show how to get the most value when using Ansible from Foreman – both when using hosts in a predefined state, or when working in a remote execution fashion.

Better with Salt

Everything is better with salt – even Foreman. Bernhard Suttner, head of development at ATIX AG, who is maintain the foreman_salt plugin, will demonstrate the use of Salt in Foreman. New features, such as Salt Variables and the Remote Execution Salt Provider will be part of his talk.

With these and many other talks at OSCamp, get to know how to best equip your Foreman according to your individual needs.

Tickets at

Make up your mind for things that matter

At OSMC 250+ participants & speakers will celebrate the diversity of their passion & profession: Monitoring! Who once joined OSMC will know: Monitoring matters! Join us for four days full of facts, features, stacks, apps, integrations, implementations, updates & upgrades!

And after OSMC…

You don’t even have to move. At least not physically. Stay at the wonderful Holiday Inn in Nuremberg. Join OSCamp on Foreman and make up your mind for topics like automation, remote execution, and provisioning in the cloud! We serve the latest know-how and how-to’s around the popular lifecycle management tool.

Tickets & more

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