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NETWAYSGrapher V2: From Flash to Flot

This week we released NETWAYSGrapher V2 2.0.0 with a few significant changes. The most noticeable of all was our switch from Flash based graphs to Java script. Originally a great idea for fantastic, smooth looking charts, zoom interactivity, dynamic multi-graph layering and real-time graphing, we were sad to bid it farewell. But after many attempts to resolve client side browser problems such as burdened CPU performance and slow zoom functionality, we decided that for our Grapher, Flash was just a flop.

That’s when we began our search for suitable libraries. We came upon Google ChartTools, which was pretty impressive with its interactive charts – but its visualisation API was only available through URL request, which was too limiting for our needs.

Finally we stumbled across Flot – an open source, Java script plotting library for JQuery. Flot allows us to offer all the same functions we had with Flash – real-time graphing, multi-graph layering, mouse tracking, and zoom interactivity – all with far faster front end and CPU performance. Not to mention the fact that many new devices do not support Flash, relying on HTML instead – we managed to close yet another gap with Flot. Topped off with plugin extensibility, simple and flexible options, Flot was simply the upshot. Cheers to Ole Laursen and IOLA for the great little tool that saved the Grapher.

Bring it on! NETWAYSGrapherV2 rc1 released!

Originally presented at Conference on Nagios 2008 as a prototype, the first release candidate of NETWAYSGrapherV2 is now ready.
It uses the NETWAYS AppKit – a framework developed to provide a fully featured base for the Grapher – and real-time charts are implemented in Adobe Flex .
The new installer is supposed to ease the pain of previous installation processes, and the major features are listed below because we didn’t want to spend so long writing complete sentences…

  • PHP frontend
  • extensive use of Ajax
  • Adobe Flex chart engine
  • MySQL backend
  • internal housekeeping of data (similar to RRD)
  • real-time aggregation of data
  • dashboards (configuration via web frontend)
  • user- and role management via frontend
  • Ajax search for hosts and services
  • full-screen view
  • navigation toggle
  • automatic data collector for perf data and plugin output
  • full support for check multi

Let’s download the archive of pleasure right now from, the new platform for Open-Source Projects from NETWAYS, which enables everybody to create new bug reports and feature requests.
Have fun!

Jetzt isses raus! NETWAYSGrapherV2 rc1 veröffentlicht!

Auf der NETWAYS Nagios Konferenz 2008 bereits als Prototyp vorgestellt, wurde nun nach langer Zeit der erste Release Candidate des NETWAYSGrapherV2 fertiggestellt.
Das für den Grapher eigens entwickelte Framework „NETWAYS AppKit“ bildet die Grundlage für eine neue Generation von Charting Software welche bei der Darstellung von Graphen auf Adobe Flex setzt, um eine bessere Darstellung von Echtzeitgraphen zu ermöglichen.
Der mitgelieferte Installer soll weitere graue Haare verhindern, welche durch viele andere Installationen möglicherweise schon hervorgetreten sind und die folgende Liste an Features soll dafür sorgen, dass jetzt nicht noch ein paar Absätze gelesen werden müssen.
Ein paar Merkmale:

  • PHP frontend
  • umfangreicher Verwendung von Ajax
  • Flex chart engine
  • MySQL backend
  • internes housekeeping der Daten (ähnlich RRD)
  • Echtzeitaggregationen von Daten
  • eigene, durch das web frontend konfigurierbare, Dashboards
  • Benutzer- und Rollenpflege per frontend
  • Ajax-Suche für hosts und services
  • Vollbildansicht
  • zusammenklappbare Navigation
  • automatisches Sammeln von Performance-Daten aus plugin outputs und perf data
  • volle Unterstützung für check multi

Das ganze Paket voller Freude steht ab sofort unter, der neuen Plattform für Open-Source-Projekte von NETWAYS, zur Verfügung. Auf der neuen Plattform können übrigens auch von jedermann neue Issues für Bugs und Features angelegt werden, damit die Software schnellstmöglich und dauerhaft den Wünschen und Ideen der  Community gerecht wird.
Viel Spaß damit!