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Weekly Snap: Syslog & Graphite, Dashing & Brainstorming

weekly snap27 – 31 January finished off the month with events aplenty, monitoring in different forms and best practices in brainstorming and virtual machines.
In usual style, Eva started the week counting 71 days to the OSDC by sharing Philipp Reisner’s talk on the latest in DRBD9. She went on to announce our Call for Papers for the next Puppet Camp in Berlin on 11 April.
Seeking out best practices, Marius H considered the best way to brainstorm as Dirk compared Cloud Provisioner to Compute Resource to find the best method to deploy virtual machines.
Thomas then added a second instalment to his Logstash series with a look at the Logstash predecessor Syslog and Bernd shared a video on the reality of conference calling.
The week ended on monitoring, as Marius G took a look at Dashing for good-looking, custom dashboards and Markus W introduced our advanced course on Real-time Graphing with Graphite.

Conference Call in Real Life

This funny video is out there for a couple of weeks. It is really ridiculous, but it’s also a very good example that nothing will replace a face-to-face meet up.

Bernd Erk
Bernd Erk

Bernd ist Geschäftsführer der NETWAYS Gruppe und verantwortet die Strategie und das Tagesgeschäft. Bei NETWAYS kümmert er sich eigentlich um alles, was andere nicht machen wollen oder können (meistens eher wollen). Darüber hinaus startete er früher das wöchentliche Lexware-Backup, welches er nun endlich automatisiert hat. So investiert er seine ganze Energie in den Rest der Truppe und versucht für kollektives Glück zu sorgen. In seiner Freizeit macht er mit sinnlosen Ideen seine Frau verrückt und verbündet sich dafür mit seinen beiden Söhnen und seiner Tochter.