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Weekly Snap: Selenium, Jenkins & Valgrind Help, FLOSS UK & OSDC intensive workshops

19 – 23 March was packed with events – upcoming and bygone, international and local; tech advice from the development team and contributions from our consultants.
In a very international NETWAYS week, Marius and Eric headed off to the Ukraine to run an Icinga and InGraph training course for a client, while Bernd joined the FLOSS UK Spring Conference with a presentation on “Icinga at Deutsche Welle”. He also snapped up the opportunity to join a lively Puppet Camp in Edinburgh a day after.
Tobias then contemplated potential blog content for the future and Christoph introduced himself, his work and life out of the office.
Pamela shared our happy snaps from the recent CeBIT 2012 and reminded OSDC attendees to get their tickets for our intensive workshops on 24 April (conference eve).
Finally, from the development team, Ansgar offered some advice for common Selenium and Jenkins problems, while Gunnar offered his tip for finding memory leaks with Valgrind.

Weekly Snap: CeBIT Craze & an Apprentice’s Impressions

5 – 9 March was centered on CeBIT – photos, presentations and perspectives, with a few reflections and tips for hopeful apprentices by our own apprentice developer Johannes.
We kicked off the first CeBIT day with a team shot and a presentation on “Enterprise Monitoring with Icinga” at the Open Source Forum.
Crowds at our stand then grew on the second day with particular interest in Icinga and OpenNebula. Meanwhile Tom shared his expertise on Puppet and Bernd got on the Univention stage to talk about “MySQL in Large Environments”.
By the third day, almost 100 machines were added to our production cloud thanks to various visitors, which ended per tradition, with beer at the Bayern Innovativ stand. It was a great event, and special thanks go to Pamela and Marcus for organising it all!

Weekly Snap: Pimple for PHP, Jobs, RootCamp & CeBIT

27 February – 2 March turned over a new month with two big upcoming events, a different type of Pimple and a job notice with a twist.
Skin ailments aside, Marius introduced Pimple and its merits as a dependency injection container for PHP 5.3. Tobias then followed with a job posting in true IT style.
In a flurry of events, Pamela announced Berlin Linux Tag’s first RootCamp on 25 – 26 May, while Bernd counted down the days to CeBIT in Hannover where we will be exhibiting in the Open Source Park (Hall 2: D58, 112) with 3 speeches to boot. We hope to see you there!

Weekly Snap: From Open Shot to Mac tips, Cloud, Clang and CeBIT

16 – 20 January was packed with tips, customer news and events as well as the odd buzzword and prank call.
Markus shared his two favourite, open source video editors – OpenShot and Kdenlive while Gunnar gave the thumbs up to Clang, the C++ compiler, for static code analysis.
Following on, Angsar admired Google Docs and Tobias took a lighthearted look at the hottest IT buzzwords around the office.
Julian then explained how to create a new admin account on a Mac in 5 easy steps and Pamela announced our attendance at CeBIT on 6 – 10 March, in the Open Source Park, with free tickets to boot.
Bernd brought big news that our longstanding customer Tradoria will soon be known as Rakuten, after a successful takeover by the Japanese ecommerce giant. He also shared the latest prank call he received from a so-called Mathildenberg Foundation offering a year’s supply of olive oil.

CeBIT vom 06.- 10. März 2012 – Wir sind dabei!

Als weltweit größte Messe zur Präsentation digitaler Lösungen aus der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik für die Arbeits- und Lebenswelt ist die CeBIT der ideale Ort für Information, Networking und zum Erfahrungsaustausch über die aktuellesten Trends der Branche.
Unser Stand befindet sich auch diesmal wieder direkt im Open Source Park, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Open Source Forums – in Halle 2, Block D58, Standnummer 112. Neben vielen Informationen und Demos rund um Open Source Systems Management werden wir auch einige Neuerungen im Gepäck haben die unser Open Source Portfolio erweitern.
Der Open Source Park widmet sich speziell dem Thema Linux und freie Software. Mit der Nachbarschaft zur Project Lounge (dem Platz für freie OS Projekte) und dem Open Source Forum mit den diesjährigen Schwerpunktthemen Virtualisierung, Cloud Computing, Hochverfügbarkeit, Security, Desktop und Mobility ist NETWAYS ideal positioniert.
Natürlich stellen wir wieder Freikarten zur Verfügung. Wer uns also besuchen möchte, kann sein Ticket einfach mit einer E-Mail an bekommen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch und auf viele interessante Gespräche!

Pamela Drescher
Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing

Seit Dezember 2015 ist Pamela Anführerin des Marketing Teams. Mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Mannschaft arbeitet sie daran, NETWAYS nicht nur erfolgreicher, sondern auch immer schöner zu machen. Privat ist sie Dompteurin einer Horde von drei Kindern, zwei Pferden, drei Katzen und einem Hund. Für Langeweile bleibt also keine Zeit!