Tim began with a simple video chat jitsi-meets  and Alexander continued with his experiences with ReactOS.
Then Deniz wrote about Crush Maps in Ceph while Isabel presented the latest Shop Highlights such as AKCP sensorProbe 2, the Braintower software version 3.5.0 and some new STARFACE Services.
Then Martin announced our new platform NETWAYS Web Services and Gabriel analysed the differences between OwnCloud and Nextcloud.
Jean gave us an insight in the Icinga Buildserver, Version 3, while Julia started the countdown for the OSDC 2017 and presented the fixed program. Thomas Widhalm and Nicole reviewed the Elastic{ON] in San Francisco.
Blerim then described the Kibana add-on Timelion and Markus Waldmüller showed benefits given by the Icinga Director.
On events, Julia presented the programme and sponsors for the OSDC in May and announced our new training sessions for GRAYLOG.
Later in April, Ronny looked at multi-zone notifications in Icinga 2 while Gunnar presented ControlPlane.
Furthermore, Michael managed Elasticsearch, Kibana & icingabeat with Puppet and Lennart began with the first part of automated Monitoring with Puppet.
Last, but not least, Vanessa told about the Akademika 2017, where we’re serching for nice colleagues.